Editorial Board
Medical Humanities Editorial Board members have agreed and adhere to the BMJ Editor Roles and Responsibilities guidelines; including our Editor policy on competing interests.

Dr. Dosani is a consultant child and adolescent psychiatrist, writer, and researcher in medical humanities, named as a New Generation Thinker by the BBC in 2022. She trained in Medicine at St Bartholomew’s Hospital, London, and specialised in child and adolescent psychiatry at the Maudsley Hospital, London. Alongside clinical work, Dr. Dosani had a parallel career in medical journalism, publishing six books on mental health. Her clinical focus includes paediatric neuropsychiatry and medicolegal work, and academic interests include illness narratives, narrative medicine, life writing and the arts in health.
Associate Editors

Dr Khalid Ali, is an Associate Professor in Geriatrics, integrated clinical academic training co-lead at Brighton and Sussex Medical School, and ageing research lead in Kent, Surrey and Sussex regional delivery network. His research interests are in medication-related harm in older people, care home communities and medical education.

Rebecca Anne Barr is a Lecturer in Gender and Sexualities at Jesus College Cambridge whose research focuses on representations of gender and sexuality in eighteenth-century fiction, with a particular emphasis on masculinity.

Dr Tamarin Norwood is an author and academic with a background in fine art. She is a Leverhulme early career research fellow at Loughborough University, a visiting research fellow at the Centre for Death and Society at the University of Bath, and a visiting scholar at the Centre for Life-Writing at the University of Oxford. She works on the role of creativity in narratives of health and bereavement experience, with a focus on reproductive loss.
Blog Content Editor
Janina Levin
University of the Sciences in Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania, USA
Film and Media Correspondent
Khalid Ali
Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals
Brighton, UK
Global Health Correspondent
Ayesha Ahmad
University College London Medical School
London, UK
Editorial Board
Saleyha Ahsan
University of Cambridge
Cambridge, UK
Jacqueline D. Antonovich
Muhlenberg College
Pennsylvania, USA
Tiffany Atkinson
University of East Anglia
Norwich, UK
Joanne Begiato
London College of Fashion, University of the Arts London
London, UK
Katarina Bernhardsson
Lund University
Lund, Sweden
Michael Brown
Lancaster University
Lancaster, UK
Rosie Cappuccino
University of Cambridge, King's College London
London, UK
Annamaria Carusi
InterChange Research
London, UK
Michael Daly
RCSI University of Medicine and Health Sciences
Dublin, Ireland
Michael DeGeorgia
University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Centre
Ohio, US
Luna Dolezal
University of Exeter
Exeter, UK
Heidi Edmundson
Whittington Health
London, UK
Danielle Giffort
St. Louis College of Pharmacy
Missouri, USA
Rosemary Golding
The Open University
Milton Keynes, UK
Monica Greco
Goldsmith’s University of London
London, UK
Grace Halden
Birkbeck University of London
London, UK
Arden Hegele
Columbia University
New York, US
David Jones
Harvard University
Massachusetts, US
Daniel Laforest
University of Alberta
Alberta, Canada
Mónica Lalanda
Valladolid, Spain
Renee Liang
University of Auckland
Auckland, New Zealand
Sandy Miles
King's College London
London, UK
Stuart Murray
University of Leeds
Leeds, UK
Henry Ng
Cleveland Clinic Foundation
Cleveland, USA
Femi Oyebode
University of Birmingham
Birmingham, UK
Deborah Padfield
Slade School of Fine Art, UCL and City St George's, University of London
London, UK
Fran Pheasant-Kelly
University of Wolverhampton
Wolverhampton, UK
Laura Salisbury
University of Exeter
Exeter, UK
Neil Vickers
Kings College London
London, UK
Jaipreet Virdi
University of Delaware
Delaware, US
Shelley Wall
University of Toronto
Toronto, Canada
Angela Woods
Durham University
Durham, UK
Publishing Team
Publishing Assistant: Simran Kang
Publisher: Alice Shuttleworth
Head of Portfolio: Richard Sands